ALLIANCE NEWS: Mexico Protests Against Their Agave Commission (click 3 dots to right of nav bar to read in English)
Our Values:
We are an inclusive and diverse group of growers, producers, and academics whose values adhere to:
Respect of opinions, gender, sex, origin, race, culture, religion, philosophy, and production method.
Transparency in making decisions as a group. We give clear and straightforward information that matters to you, and we openly collaborate on our advocacy efforts.
Diversity of agave types, from the slow growing to the fast growing, distillation methods, from traditional to modern, and farming methods, from dry farming or natural planting to rowed up and irrigated. Diversity in mutually respected cultural heritages. Diversity in values. Diversity in scale.
Reliability, accuracy, and honesty in the generation and dissemination of information.
Empowerment to build up others by sharing knowledge and information.
Leadership in fostering cooperation, disseminating science, and integrating sustainable management approaches.
Teamwork to gather our unique strengths to advance towards our common goal.
We are a collective of agave farmers and industry professionals dedicated to advocating for a fair and equitable industry for all.
Recognition, in that we acknowledge & respect the history and contributions of all indigenous communities that are working with agave. We are open to hearing all voices on how to improve CA agave.